Super-charging drilling operations

GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE is a percussion-enhanced rotary drilling system expertly engineered to radically enhance the rate of penetration (ROP) and extend bit life whilst drilling in hard, ductile or interbedded rock in geothermal and conventional wells.
- Geothermal drilling in basement, volcanic or high compressive strength rock
- O&G drilling in hard rock environments
- ERD applications with limited weight on bit
Operating Principle
GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE uses the field proven and trusted INFINITY engine to power a percussion impulse generator. This impulse force is transmitted to the rotary PDC drill bit and in turn into the rock. The percussive impulse force causes the rock structure to fracture and weaken making it easier to drill. This in turn increases the drilling rate of penetration (ROP) and significantly extends the life of the PDC drill bit.
GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE is a simple plug-and-play device which connects directly to any BHA configuration. It is very simply powered by the flow of conventional drilling fluid – yet introduces no pressure drop or restriction to flow.
GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE features an uninterrupted through-bore, it requires no complex surface control systems meaning it does not rely on compressed air or complicated cross-flow fluid systems. It operates automatically and autonomously.
GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE is designed as a hostile service tool and as such is designed for use without elastomeric seals in ultra-hot well environments – particularly geothermal wells.
GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE is unlocking clean geothermal energy, here and now.
Technical Details

Fluted Non-rotating Sleeve
The fluted non-rotating sleeve provides lateral stability to the GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE whilst also indexing the INFINITY valve module.
GeoVolve INFINTY Valve Module
The GeoVolve INFINITY Valve module directs and commands the fluid power required to generate the percussive impact. GeoVolve INFINITY uses the bit rotation to open and close the inlet and exhaust valves to allow pressurised fluid within the drill string to power the impulse generator.
The axial reciprocating Piston provides the motive force to the GeoVolve HYPERDRIVE impulse generator.
Impulse Generator
The impulse generator converts energised piston reciprocation into a high frequency axial percussive impulse force.
The Anvil provides the point of transfer for the percussive impulse force and transmits the impulse energy into the drill bit.