Hostile Service Downhole Engine

GeoVolve INFINITY is a hostile service version of the HydroVolve INFINTY hydro-mechanical reciprocating piston engine.
INFINITY features an all-metal valve design using no elastomeric seals and as such is suited to high temperature, high pressure, high solids and highly aggressive mechanical environments such as those encountered in geothermal, hot, hard and deep wells and in near-bit applications in conventional wells.
As with the HydroVolve INFINITY, the power output of the GeoVolve INFINITY can be instantly and simply controlled from surface using conventional drilling controls: the output force is directly proportional to the pump pressure (ΔP). The output speed/frequency is directly proportional to the string rotation speed (RPM).
The output drive system of the GeoVolve INFINITY engine may be used to power a vast array of applications.
Key Features
Total durability — suited to high temperature, high pressure, high solids and highly aggressive mechanical environments such as those encountered in geothermal, hot, hard and deep wells.
Total control – output force is directly controlled from surface and can be varied instantly from tiny (less than 1,000lbf) to huge (up to around 2,000,000lbf), whilst output frequency can range from very slow (less than 1Hz) to very, very fast (around 50Hz).
Total flexibility – this universal downhole engine can power and control many tools used across many functions in all kinds of wells – from ERD and HP/HT to Geothermal – and at all stages from drilling and completion to P&A.
Total reliability – safe and proven in the field, the INFINITY engine is built to last for long term downhole operation. GeoVolve INFINITY build upon the successes of HydroVolve INFINITY’s unfailing field reliability.
GeoVolve INFINITY is the principle driving force in the GeoVolve HAMMER percussion drilling system. GeoVolve INFINITY may be substituted for HydroVolve INFINITY in any hostile service application.